Hot Dogs are very popular in Sweden and are sold from small road side stands in most towns. A standard Hot Dog is a long narrow sausage served on a very small split roll, with the sausage protruding from both sides. Many variations of are sold at these small stands; one of the more popular variations is a Tunnbröd rulleor which is a hot dog wrapped in a tortilla like flatbread and stuffed with many different items. Mashed potatoes is very common and popular. Korv med bröd is what they call a normal hot dog served in a hot dog bun.
Here at SkagenHus in Williams Bay we serve Vienna Beef Hot Dogs in place of the more standard pork Hot Dog found in both Denmark and Sweden. You can get either a Classic size dog (pictured above) or our Famous Viking size dog. The toppings on both our Scandinavian Hot Dogs start with two kinds of mustard (yellow and Dusseldorf), ketchup and remoulade. We then add both raw onions and fried onions. Our Swedish dog is then covered in warm mashed potato's & Aukuaka (marinated cucumbers). Our Danish Hot Dog excludes the mashed potato's.
The picture below and to the right is the famous Viking size Hot Dog at SkagenHus (Chicago style minus the relish, sport peppers and pickle) complete with Belgium Fries (Pomme Frites) and a Swedish Lingonberry

SkagenHus has quickly developed a reputation for serving the Best Hot Dog and fries in Lake Geneva!
Click Here To Buy Danish Fried Onions
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